Sunday, December 30, 2012

Within a span of thirteen days from December 17 to 30 I had three surprise sightings of a pair of hill mynah in my neighbourhood Laskarpur, Kolkata- 700153. They had been hovering around the area for the last couple of weeks and their calls had since been clearly heard each morning between 7 to 9.30. Doubting that these may be feral birds I visited a place called Garia Haat, on the Garia Bauipur road Kolkata-700084 that houses two bird markets on Tuesday & Friday each week. I gathered from local shop owners that illegal trading of avian fauna continue secretly. And the vigilance team of the forest department patrolling the area is often found selling seized birds to customers ! This of course is no evidence to confirm my doubts. Only one of the possibilities that might offer some clue to the surprise presence of this bird in downtown Kolkata. I checked a list of rare bird sightings in Kolkata till 2010 compiled by an expert which doesn't include this species Gracula religiosa or hill mynah. An Australian nature report claims that this bird is a tough contender and often dodges out other resident birds. I'm still confused. Because the mynah pair I had spotted looks healthy and hyper active, features unlikely to be present in birds which escaped captivity.      

Friday, December 31, 2010

This blog intends to share with fellow bird watchers and those interested in avian life around us experiences gathered in my short birding trips in and around Kolkata mostly and occasionally during  inter state visits to different sanctuaries. Let me admit first that I'm no expert in this trade. Only an amateur who loves birds and gets excited when everything goes right for a good, satisfactory bird-shot in the wilderness.I will upload photos seeking views , suggestions and experts' comments. I will upload quite a few for ID also and will eagerly await nomenclatures offered.. Hope you will be with me all along. Thanks.